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Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

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Whip up delightfully soft and fluffy rolls with milk, active dry yeast, sugar, honey, unsalted butter, all-purpose flour, and eggs. Inspired by Texas Road House, these rolls are the bread-y dreams you never knew you had.

Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

Oh boy, where do I begin? There’s something about a restaurant roll, right? It’s that unforgettable taste of family dinners out, awkward first dates, and those moments of “can I have one more basket, please?” But Texas Road House? That’s not just a restaurant. It’s a memory lane paved with butter and sweetness. Every bite I took in that place was a hug for my taste buds. As life would have it, though, moving cities meant leaving my beloved Texas Road House behind. Heartbreaking? Absolutely. But like every food enthusiast with a hint of obsession, I decided I wouldn’t let distance deprive me. After countless trial-and-error sessions (and trust me, there were many errors), I managed to recreate that ethereal taste. These Copycat Texas Road House Rolls are my pride and joy, and every time I bake them, I’m transported right back to that noisy, vibrant restaurant. Pass the cinnamon honey butter, and let the good times roll!

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Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

Why You’ll Love This Copycat Texas Road House Rolls:

What makes these Copycat Texas Road House Rolls so darn special? Well, firstly, they’re a near-perfect replica of the iconic rolls you’ve likely dreamt about if you’ve ever been to Texas Road House. They achieve an impeccable balance between softness and fluffiness, all the while being adequately sweet and buttery. Plus, they’re versatile. Have them as a side, turn them into sandwich rolls, or just gobble them up as they are with a dollop of cinnamon honey butter. Also, you know what’s unbeatable? The smell of freshly baked rolls wafting through your home. It’s like a fragrant invitation to a heartwarming meal.

Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

Ingredients Notes For This Copycat Texas Road House Rolls:

Ah, the list of ingredients! A simple enough list, but there’s magic in how they come together. Using milk gives the rolls that rich texture, but make sure to cool it properly after scalding. Too hot, and you might just upset the yeast. Speaking of which, the active dry yeast should become foamy when activated – this is it shouting, “Hey, I’m alive and kicking!” Granulated sugar adds that hint of sweetness, while the honey gives it a depth and richness. Oh, and let’s not forget our unsung hero, unsalted butter. It makes everything better! A word on the all-purpose flour: you may need to adjust the quantity slightly based on the humidity and altitude of your location. So trust the feel of the dough. It should be soft but not sticky.

Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

How To Make Copycat Texas Road House Rolls:

Alright, bakers, gloves on!

Firstly, scald that milk! This ancient technique isn’t just for grandmas; it ensures your milk is free from enzymes that can play nasty with your dough. After heating it to a simmer in a saucepan, pour it into another container. Let it cool. Remember, it’s just taking a small nap.

Next, it’s yeast awakening time. Add water, yeast, and a spoon of sugar in your mixing bowl. Give it around 5 to 10 minutes. It’ll look foamy, like a yeast party in there. To this mixture, add the rest of your sugar, honey, warm milk (not hot!), and 2 cups of flour. Mix it up!

In comes the melted butter, eggs, and salt. Mix them in. Gradually add your flour till the dough feels just right – soft but not sticky.


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Now, let that dough rest. It’s been through a lot. Let it sit for a few minutes before kneading it for around 5 minutes. If it gets sticky, sprinkle some more flour.

Place the kneaded dough in a greased bowl. Cover it with plastic wrap. Let it rise. It should double in size. This is the dough’s glow-up moment.

Once risen, roll out your dough, cut it into squares, and place them on baking sheets. They need another round of rising (they’re high maintenance but worth it).

Lastly, bake till they’re golden brown. Fresh out of the oven, brush those beauties with melted butter.

Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

Storage Options:

Keep your rolls in an airtight container at room temperature and they’ll be good for 2-3 days. For longer storage, these rolls freeze like a dream! Just ensure they’re completely cool before popping them into a freezer bag. When you’re craving a warm roll, thaw them at room temperature and give them a quick heat in the oven. It’s like a Texas Road House reunion in your kitchen.

Variations and Substitutions:

Feeling adventurous? Swap out the honey for maple syrup for a slightly different sweet kick. If you don’t have unsalted butter, salted butter works; just reduce the added salt by half. No active dry yeast? Instant yeast can be a good buddy. Use the same amount but skip the activation step, and add it directly to the flour. You can also add some herbs or garlic powder to the dough for a savory twist.

There you have it, dear readers, the secrets of the Road House Rolls laid bare! May your kitchen be ever fragrant and your rolls forever fluffy.

Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

Copycat Texas Road House Rolls

Whip up delightfully soft and fluffy rolls with milk, active dry yeast, sugar, honey, unsalted butter, all-purpose flour, and eggs. Inspired by Texas Road House, these rolls are the bread-y dreams you never knew you had.
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Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 36 Rolls


  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1/2 cup of warm water
  • 4 tsp of active dry yeast
  • 5 TBS of granulated sugar divided for different steps
  • 3 TBS of unsalted butter melted
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 7.5 cups of all-purpose flour adjust by adding or reducing up to 1/2 cup as required
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp of salt
  • 2 TBS of unsalted butter melted, to apply post baking


  • Pour the milk into a small saucepan and place it over medium heat. Frequently stir until it reaches a simmer, ensuring small bubbles appear around the edges. Once achieved, transfer the milk to another container to allow it to cool for approximately 10 minutes.
  • In the bowl of a stand mixer or a large mixing bowl, combine the water, yeast, and 1 TBS of sugar. Mix them and let the mixture stand for 5 to 10 minutes until it exhibits a foamy appearance.
  • To the activated yeast mixture, add the remaining sugar, honey, cooled milk, and 2 cups of the flour. Blend the mixture thoroughly for several minutes.
  • Incorporate the melted butter, eggs, and salt into the mixture and ensure even distribution.
  • Gradually introduce the remaining flour, one cup at a time, until the dough starts to detach from the bowl’s sides. If the dough remains sticky, add flour in 1 TBS increments until the desired consistency is achieved.
  • Allow the dough to rest momentarily.
  • Proceed to knead the dough, either utilizing the stand mixer’s dough hook or manually on a counter, for a duration of 5 minutes. If the dough exhibits a sticky texture during kneading, introduce additional flour in small amounts.
  • Place the dough in a bowl that has been greased with oil or a non-stick agent. Ensure all sides of the dough are lightly coated with the greasing agent. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
  • Position the bowl in a warm location and let the dough rise. This process may take up to 45 minutes or until the dough has doubled in volume.
  • Once risen, deflate the dough to release any trapped air.
  • On a flat surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of approximately 1/2 to 3/4 inch.
  • Utilizing a pizza cutter, segment the dough into 2-inch squares.
  • Arrange the squares on two baking sheets lined with parchment paper or a similar non-stick surface. Cover them loosely with plastic wrap.
  • Allow the rolls to undergo a secondary rise until they have again doubled in volume. This may take approximately 1 hour.
  • As the final stages of rising approach, preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bake the rolls in the preheated oven until they achieve a light golden-brown hue, which typically occurs between 14-18 minutes. If baking multiple trays simultaneously, consider rotating them during the process to ensure even baking.
  • Upon removing from the oven, promptly brush the top surfaces of the rolls with the melted butter.


Note: For optimal results, it is advisable to ensure the milk is sufficiently cooled in step 1 to preserve the yeast’s efficacy. Ideally, it should be below 138 F, though a temperature around 110 F is most favorable.
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