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Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes

Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes

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Experience the harmony of succulent flank steak and delightful baby yellow potatoes, all elevated with a touch of garlic butter. The main stars: steak, baby potatoes, and aromatic garlic butter.

Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes

Oh, where do I begin? It was on one of those Saturday evenings where the sunset cast a golden glow upon my kitchen counter. Tired of the usual dinner fare, I decided to venture a tad outside my culinary comfort zone. The first time I made Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes, it was more of a “let’s see how this goes” situation. Inspired by my grandma’s mantra – “When in doubt, garlic butter it out!” – I decided to dabble. Melding the heartiness of steak with the comforting presence of potatoes, this dish immediately became a household staple. Every bite took me back to my childhood – those golden days when grandma would surprise us with a lip-smacking dinner. It’s nostalgia on a plate.

Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes

What makes this Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes stand out?

The beauty of this dish lies in its simplicity. It’s a gourmet meal that doesn’t require you to be a Michelin-star chef. In just 25 minutes, you’re serving a dish that screams sophistication. It’s perfect for when you have unexpected guests, or even when you just want to impress yourself (because hey, you deserve it!).

Whether you’re hoarding a ribeye in your freezer, have some tenderloin left from your last grocery trip, or even a nice juicy strip steak, this recipe has got your back. It caters to what’s available and what you’re in the mood for. So, every time you cook, you could be embarking on a slightly different flavor journey, all while staying within the comforting bounds of garlic and butter.

Our trio of herbs – thyme, rosemary, and oregano – doesn’t just add flavor. They transport you straight to a flourishing herb garden with every bite. The fresh herbs infuse the dish with an aromatic richness that dried herbs simply can’t match. They’re the quiet background singers that make the lead vocalist shine.

The marinade! Oh, the marinade! It’s a symphony of flavors. The umami from the soy sauce, the zestiness of the hot sauce, and the robustness of fresh pepper come together in a tantalizing tango. It ensures the steak is not just seasoned on the outside but is bursting with flavor in every bite.

Whether you’re trying out paleo, going gluten-free, or just watching what you eat, the recipe offers flexibility. Coconut amino is a perfect example. It’s our little nod to those who want to keep things paleo or gluten-free without compromising on taste.

Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes

What are the ingredients for Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes:

  • Steak: Whether you’re a fan of flank, ribeye, tenderloin, or strip steak, this recipe’s got you. The key? Slicing against the grain for optimal tenderness.
  • Baby Yellow Potatoes: These little golden delights are waxy and hold their shape well during cooking. Plus, their buttery flavor complements our garlic butter beautifully.
  • Herbs: Fresh is best! These herbs bring an aromatic depth to our dish.
  • Marinade: While we’re raving about Sriracha, feel free to swap it out for your favorite hot sauce. But trust me, that zing is something your taste buds will thank you for.
Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes


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Steps to make Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes:

Step 1: Begin by immersing your steak strips in the soulful marinade blend of soy sauce, olive oil, pepper, and hot sauce. As they soak up the flavors, let’s tackle those potatoes.

Step 2: Grab that skillet! Over a medium-high flame, mingle olive oil with butter till it’s all melty and inviting. Now, let those potatoes dance in the skillet for about 8-9 minutes until they’re golden and oh-so-tender. Once done, place them aside with a promise to return.

Step 3: That skillet is begging for more action! Toss in the butter, garlic, chili flakes, and those fresh herbs. Here’s where magic happens: lay the steak strips, ensuring they don’t overlap. Give them about a minute each side for that perfect sear. Remember, you’re the maestro of this meat; cook them to your preferred level of perfection.

Step 4: Feeling adventurous? Drizzle in the reserved marinade for an extra layer of flavor and cook for just a minute. Welcome back those potatoes and let everything mingle and jingle in the skillet.

Step 5: Before presenting your masterpiece, taste and season if required. Now, plate up! A sprinkle of chili, a hint of fresh herbs, and maybe a cheeky sprinkle of parmesan on those potatoes. Voila! Dinner is served.

Storage Options for Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes:

Got leftovers? Lucky you! Store your Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. When it’s time to reheat, a skillet on low-medium heat works wonders, ensuring you retain the dish’s flavors without overcooking the steak.

Variations and Substitutions:

  • Steak: Any preferred steak cut works. If meat isn’t your thing, portobello mushrooms can be a fabulous substitute.
  • Soy Sauce: For our paleo and gluten-free friends, coconut amino is a lifesaver!
  • Hot Sauce: Whether you’re Team Tabasco, Team Sriracha, or any other team, go wild!
  • Potatoes: Not a yellow potato fan? Feel free to swap with red potatoes or even sweet potatoes for a delightful twist.

Remember, every recipe is just a guideline. Your kitchen, your rules! Enjoy every bite, every memory, and every compliment (because trust me, they’ll be pouring in!). 😉

Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes

Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes

Experience the harmony of succulent flank steak and delightful baby yellow potatoes, all elevated with a touch of garlic butter. The main stars: steak, baby potatoes, and aromatic garlic butter.
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Course: Main Course
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4


  • 1 1/2 lb 650g of your chosen steak cut, preferably flank, sliced gracefully against its grain.
  • 1 1/2 lb 650g of those adorable baby yellow potatoes, each lovingly quartered.
  • 1 tablespoon + another for the marinade.
  • A generous trio of tablespoons portioned out.
  • 5 cloves finely minced to release their aroma.
  • 1 teaspoon each of fresh thyme rosemary, and oregano – all finely chopped.
  • Your trustworthy salt and freshly cracked pepper.
  • Crushed red chili pepper flakes for those who dare (totally optional, of course).

Marinade Magic:

  • 1/3 cup of soy sauce or its paleo, gluten-free buddy, coconut amino.
  • 1 tablespoon of your fiery hot sauce Sriracha or its feisty cousins.
  • Freshly cracked just how we like it.


  • Unite your steak strips with the marinade magic of soy sauce, a touch of olive oasis, the pepper punch, and that zesty zing in a spacious bowl. Set them aside to let the flavors become best friends.
  • Over a medium-high blaze, in a big ol’ skillet, blend a tablespoon each of the olive oasis and butter bonanza. When things get melty and smooth, welcome the golden nuggets. After a dance of around 4 minutes, give them a stir and groove on for an extra 4-5 minutes. You’re looking for that lovely golden tan. Once they’ve achieved their glow, escort them to a separate plate.
  • With your trusty skillet still warm, it’s time to introduce the remaining butter, aromatic garlic, cheeky chili (if you’re game), and our herb heroes. Now, place your steak serenade, ensuring none overlap. Allow each side to have a tan session of 1 minute (adjust according to your ‘steak preference’ playlist).
  • Feeling a bit adventurous? Let’s reintroduce some reserved marinade for added depth. Let it sizzle for a minute. Now, summon back those golden nuggets to the party, allowing all ingredients to share stories and flavors.
  • Season to taste. Plate with passion! Perhaps a sprinkle of chili for that kick, herbs for freshness, and why not, a dash of parmesan over those potatoes for a creamy touch.


Calories: 621kcal | Carbohydrates: 40g | Protein: 46g | Fat: 31g | Saturated Fat: 13g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 14g | Cholesterol: 139mg | Sodium: 226mg | Potassium: 1716mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 4g
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